Unit: Russian TV channel "Russia 1" and various podcasts
Cargo ID: #1392
Call Sign: "Crab" (краб)
English Name: Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Korobov
Russian Name: Коробов Александр Александрович
Date of Birth: June 6, 1981 (age: 43 years)
Place of Birth: Komsomolsk-on-Amur, Khabarovsk Region, Russia
Address: Russia, Belgorod, Gubkina Street, 45, building 1, apartment 23
Date of Death: September 15, 2024 (via bludgeoning)
Place of Death: Belgorod, Belgorod Oblast, Russia
On September 15, 2024, Ukrainian media reported that the correspondent had died, and that he had been killed by GUR officers who had hit him on the head with a heavy object. This video of him was released by the GUR immediately after his death.
Social Media: (deleted)
"For Courage Shown in the Performance of Professional Duty" (2022),
"Reporter of the Year" (2023),
"TV Report of the Year" (2024)
