Deputy head of the Pacific Higher Naval School
Unit: Deputy head of the School for Armaments, Head of the Technical Support Department, Pacific Higher Naval School.
Boyko is reported to have been working with mobilized soldiers in the weeks leading up to his death.
The deputy head of the naval school was in his office on the morning of November 16. Sometime after the start of the working day, the duty officer heard gunshots and ran to the office, where he found the body of the colonel. Five shell casings and a Makarov pistol were recovered from the scene. The colonel had five gunshot wounds to the chest, and no signs of life.
Russian media is reporting this as a suicide, though they confirm the pistol was not Boyko's, there was no suicide note, and the existence of the 5 gunshot wounds.
Cargo ID: #526
Full Name: Vadim Yevgenyevich Boyko
Russian Name: Бойко Вадим Евгеньевич
