Department Head - "Suicide"
Unit: Minister of Fuel, Energy and Coal Industry of the LPR (August 2022 - June 2023)
In the 1990s, he worked in the chemical and aviation industries, and in the first half of the 2000s, in the structures of the Ministry of Energy of Russia. Since 2007, he has held senior positions at Inter RAO UES.
Zavizenov was appointed to the ministerial post in the LPR in August 2022 by decree of the head of the republic Leonid Pasechnik. He transferred to this post from the post of Director of Capital Construction of Foreign Nuclear Power Plants at JSC Atomstroyexport. Less than a year later, in June 2023, Zavizenov was replaced in the regional government by Denis Yarosh.
Cargo ID: #1434
English Name: Konstantin Vladimirovich Zavizenov
Russian Name: Завизенов Константин Владимирович
Education: Perm State Technical University
Date of Birth: July 27, 1974 (age: 50 years)
Place of Birth: Perm, Perm Krai, Russia
Date of Death: October 2, 2024
Place of Death: Istra District, Moscow Oblast, Russia
Konstantin was found dead in his yard with a gunshot wound to the head and a suicide note beside him. The contents of the note have not been released. Russian media claims he was binge drinking for nearly two weeks before his death, after his wife discovered he had a secret marriage and second family. He was found by his 19-year-old son who says Konstantin was not drinking in the weeks before his death, nor was there any strife in his family. His wife made a brief statement that she didn't know of any reason for his suicide, but has since refused to make any further statements.

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