Brigade Commander
Unit: 31st Separate Guards Airborne Assault Brigade, Western Military District
Currently on trial for personally murdering unarmed civilians in Irpin. Source
Cargo ID: #41
Full Name: Sergey Pavlovich Karasev
Russian Name: Карасев Сергей Павлович
Date of Birth: July 1, 1982 (age: 40 years)
Place of Birth: Pskov, Russia
Registered Address: Russia, Pskov, Yubileynaya Street, 93-A, apt. 83
Education: Ryazan Higher Airborne Command School(2004), Combined Arms Academy of Russian Armed Forces (2013)
Passport Information: series 20 № 0524189, issued 16.06.2017 by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia, valid until 16.06.2022
Phone Number: +7-910-980-4925; +7-911-692-5791
Personnel Number: U-411484
INN (Tax ID): 602717976205
Social Media:
