Unit Commander

Commander who identified himself with a red backpack. Real name unknown.

Rank: Senior Lieutenant

Unit: 810th Separate Guards Naval Infantry Brigade

Cargo ID: #239

Dishonorable mention because, while not dead, he did step on a mine and lose his foot in Mariupol. He was very well known among Russian troops, as he appeared in several propaganda videos during the seige of Mariupol.
By the way, during the battles in this area, for the first time, the already legendary marine "String" showed himself heroically. When his commander's legs were broken, the deputy commander died, the division was taken over by a senior lieutenant, whose name is still hidden, but the call sign "String" is known throughout the country. Later, under his command, the unit stormed several important objects of Mariupol, and the hero himself was subsequently seriously wounded. In October, he was awarded the title of Hero of Russia.