TikTok Captain

Unit: Commander, 2nd Company, Grozny Special Police, Kadyrovites - "The TikTok Brigade"

Cargo ID: #194

Full Name: Asvad Idrisov

Russian Name: Асвад Идрисов

It is known that Asvad Idrisov was the commander of the second company of the special regiment named after Ramzan Kadyrov, as well as the captain of the police. The Kadyrovites are “famous” for their cruelty and terrorism. That is why Russia has hired Chechen troops who have gone over to Kadyrov’s side and obey his terrorist ideology.
Note that it also became known about the liquidation of the commander of the fifth platoon of the regiment, ensign Gapur Dakalov, as well as the deputy commander of the fourth platoon of the battalion, senior sergeant Ali Betishev.

-The Odessa Journal

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