Deputy Mayor - Collaborator

Unit: Berdyansk City Authority, Zaporizhzhia region

Cargo ID: #1178

English Name: Svetlana Vladimirovna Samoilenko

Russian Name: Самойленко Светлана Владимировна

Date of Birth: March 12, 1970 (age: 53 years)

Place of Birth: Berdyansk, Zaporizhzhia Oblast, Ukraine

Place of Death: 117 Herzen Street, Kolonia Microdistrict, Berdyansk (via car bomb)

Due to the fact of Svitlana Samoilenko's cooperation with the Russian occupation army, the law enforcement agencies of Ukraine have opened criminal proceedings under Part 5 of Article 111-1 of the Criminal Code.
As part of the preparations for the pseudo-elections, Svitlana Samoilenko's Putin sought to curry favor with Muscovites: she intimidated and terrorized Berdians, forcing them to participate in illegal fake voting."

Svetlana was Appointed Deputy Mayor For Economics, the Agricultural Sector and Finance, by Colonel Artem Igorovich Bardin [Cargo ID #400] on April 21, 2022. He was also liquidated via car bomb on September 6, 2022, a year and a half before Svetlana suffered the same fate.
Artem Bardin
Military Commandant - Colonel Unit: City of Berdiansk, Zaporizhzhia Region Cargo ID: #400 Call Sign: “Felix” (Феликс) Full Name: Artem Igorovich Bardin Russian Name: Артем Игоревич Бардин “A car belonging to the commandant of the city was blown up. The car stood next to the city administration. Then there was
