Deputy Chairman of the Tobolsk City Duma
Cargo ID: #1081
English Name: Vladimir Egorov
Russian Name: Егоров Владимир
In 2001, Vladimir Egorov founded the Remez Law Firm, which he headed until 2007, when he moved to work in the administration of Tobolsk. He worked as Chairman of the Committee on Land Relations and Forestry until 2014. In 2016, the former official was convicted for not charging merchants for renting municipal land, but due to the expiration of the statute of limitations, Egorov escaped punishment.
After resigning from the administration, Egorov organized the Vinokurovo recreation center, with a horse yard and a petting zoo, and later was elected to the Tobolsk City Duma. In 2022, Vladimir Egorov became one of the richest deputies in Tobolsk, his income amounted to 9.1 million rubles.
Date of Birth: August 5, 1977 (age: 46 years)
Place of Birth: Tobolsk, Tyumen Oblast, Russia
Place of Death: Kedrovaya Street, Tobolsk, Tyumen Oblast, Russia
Cause of Death: Defenestration
The body of 46-year-old Vladimir Egorov was found on the afternoon of December 27 in the courtyard of a house on Kedrovaya Street. According to investigators, he fell out of the window of the third floor of his house. In one version of events, he began to feel ill, went to the window to get some fresh air, and then fell to his death.
Education: Tobolsk Agricultural College (1996-1998); Mendeleev State Social and Pedagogical Academy (1994-1999); Institute of the Prosecutor's Office (1998-2003); Ural State Law Academy (1998-2003); Moscow State Academy of Water Transport (1999-2004)


English Name: Vlada Egorova
Russian Name: Влада Егорова
Date of Birth: August 1, 2001
Social Media:, (1), (2)

English Name: Elena Egorova
Russian Name: Елена Егорова
Date of Birth: April 27, 1977
Social Media: (1), (2),

English Name: Valentina Egorova
Russian Name: Валентина Егорова
Date of Birth: July 7
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