Wagner Chief of Staff
Unit: Chief of Staff and Head of Logistics for Wagner PMC
Note: We have been unable to determine what rank Chekalov retired from the Russian Navy with, so we are forced to find an equivalence for him. Given the logistical size and scope of Wagner PMC, it is roughly equivalent to a Russian Combined Arms Army, or possibly a small Military District. Most often the Chief of Staff of a CAA is a Major General or Lieutenant General. We are going to conservatively list Chekalov as a Major General equivalent, though it wouldn't be unreasonable to consider him the equal of an average Lt. General or Col. General.
Former Unit: 311th Spetsnaz Detachment to Combat Underwater Sabotage, Pacific Fleet; Patrol Ship "Flighty" (Летучий), Pacific Fleet

Valery Chekalov was one of the Concorde managers closest to Prigozhin. He oversaw all of Prigozhin's "civilian" projects abroad and was responsible for the logistical support of the Wagner group. It was Chekalov who headed JSC Neva, the founder of Euro Polis LLC, to which all Syrian and African projects were tied.
Cargo ID: #899
Call Sign: "Rover" (Ровер)
English Name: Valery Evgenievich Chekalov
Russian Name: Чекалов Валерий Евгеньевич
Date of Birth: January 10, 1976 (age: 47 years)
Place of Birth: Vladivostok, Primorsky Krai, Russia
Education: Gorky Higher Military School of Logistics (graduated 1998)
INN (Tax ID): 410104446510
Social Media: OK.ru


English Name: Aigul Chekalova
Russian Name: Айгуль Чекалова
Date of Birth: September 13, 1976
Social Media: OK.ru

Hero of Russia, logistician and top manager of the Concord company Valery Rover Chekalov was buried at the Northern Cemetery of St. Petersburg in a closed coffin.