Alexei Avramchenko

Deputy Commander for Military-Political Work - Colonel

Unit: 20th Guards Motor Rifle Division, 8th Guards Combined Arms Army, Southern Military District

Cargo ID: #299

Full Name: Alexei Yuryevich Avramchenko

Russian Name: Аврамченко Алексей Юрьевич

Date of Birth: January 20, 1973 (age: 49 years)

Education: Simferopol Higher Military-Political Construction School

Killed in the same HIMARS strike, on the division command post near Kherson, as Colonel Alexei Gorobets (commander), Colonel Sergey Kens (chief of staff), and Colonel Kanat Mukatov (deputy commander).

Avramchenko defected to the Russian forces during the 2014 invasion of Crimea.