Status Corrected - Despite being widely reported in the Russian media as killed in action, it appears he actually survived.
What is important is that Ivan Velichko was able to avoid losses among his crew. He was taken from the battlefield by units that came to help after some time. And his soldiers decided that their commander was dead...
"Buried" alive
The news that Ivan Velichko remained alive after the battle did not arrive immediately. First, the hero was “buried.” Some media outlets wrote about the heroic death of Ivan Velichko. But then the news came that the hero was alive!
Ivan himself gave a comment from the hospital over the phone to reporters. He spoke about his health and recovery:
Thank God they didn’t tell my family that I “died.” And my colleagues were given this incorrect information. But they also didn’t have time to say anything.
The major is now being treated in a hospital in the Moscow region. He's much better. My wife came to visit.
Battalion Deputy Commander - Major
Unit: 1st Guards Tank Regiment, 2nd Guards Motor Rifle Division, 1st Guards Tank Army, Western Military District
Cargo ID: #249
English Name: Ivan Velichko
Russian Name: Величко Иван

Now Battalion Chief of Staff