Position Unknown - Major
Unit: BARS-19, Southern Military District
Cargo ID: #1291
Call Sign: "Dad" (Батя)
English Name: Sergei Vyacheslavovich Mashnin
Russian Name: Машнин Сергей Вячеславович
Date of Birth: May 26, 1968 (age: 55 years)
Place of Birth: Kharkiv Oblast, Ukraine
Current Address: Borzyonovsky Lane, Streletskaya District, Kursk, Kursk Oblast, Russia
Date of Death: April 24, 2024
Place of Death: Semenivka, Yasinovatsky district, Donetsk Oblast, Ukraine (via grenade)
"My dearest husband died on April 24, 2024. He did not surrender, even when wounded, he let the enemy come closer and blew them up along with himself..."

Order of Courage,
Cossack Medal "Volunteer - Who Stood Up for the Defense of the Motherland",
Cossack Cross,
Cross of the Don Cossack Army,
Badge "Parachutist",
Badge "Graduation from a Higher Education Institution"
Social Media: VK.com
Previously Deployed: Ukraine (2015)

"Unshaven Mordovoroty" [[Mordovoroty is a colloquial Russian term that can roughly translate to "thugs"]]


English Name: Elena Mashnina (Yakunenko)
Russian Name: Елена Машнина (Якуненко)
Date of Birth: March 19, 1968
Social Media: VK.com


English Name: Yaroslav Sergeyevich Mashnin
Russian Name: Ярослав Сергеевич Машнин
Social Media: VK.com (under the pseudonym "Vladislav")

Initial Source Screenshots