Rank Corrected - Our initial research determined that Alexey was a Captain as far back as 2012. He was 36 years old at the time. Given his collection of awards, and position as a pilot, it seemed very likely that he would have been promoted in short order. The two stars visible on his epaulettes ruled out Major, leaving Lt. Colonel with his most likely rank at death.
However, he was involved in a lawsuit against 393rd Aviation Regiment (now the 55th Helicopter Regiment) Commander Akhmetshin Fayaz Olfatovich over being denied holiday leave/pay. It appears this must have had serious implications for his career. @sitizen_toxi discovered that he was still a Captain in 2019 (see below), at the ripe old age of 43. Given this new information, it is very unlikely he ever progressed passed the rank of Captain, so we are removing him from the list.
However, he was involved in a lawsuit against 393rd Aviation Regiment (now the 55th Helicopter Regiment) Commander Akhmetshin Fayaz Olfatovich over being denied holiday leave/pay. It appears this must have had serious implications for his career. @sitizen_toxi discovered that he was still a Captain in 2019 (see below), at the ripe old age of 43. Given this new information, it is very unlikely he ever progressed passed the rank of Captain, so we are removing him from the list.

Actual Rank: Captain
Unit: Helicopter Pilot, 55th Separate Guards Helicopter Regiment, Southern Military District
Cargo ID: #878
English Name: Alexey Alexandrovich Raznodumov
Russian Name: Разнодумов Алексей Александрович
Date of Birth: March 13, 1976 (age: 47 years)
Place of Birth: Slavyansk-on-Kuban, Krasnodar region, Russia
Lives in: Korenovsk, Krasnodar Krai, Russia
Wife: Raznodumova Lyudmila Nikolaevna

"Raznodumov A.A. appealed to the court with a statement in which he indicated that in the period from April 10 to December 7, 2011, he served in the military service as part of the Russian aviation group of the UN peacekeeping mission in the Republic of Sudan"
