Brigade Commander - Colonel

Unit: 96th Separate Reconnaissance Brigade, 1st Guards Tank Army, Western Military District

Cargo ID: #865

English Name: Maxim Vladimirovich Kharlamov

Russian Name: Харламов Максим Владимирович

Date of Birth: April 12, 1978 (age: 45 years)

Place of Birth: Chita region, Russia

Education: Combined Arms Academy of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

Passport Information: Series 7600 No. 462427

INN (Tax ID): 753404863030

SNILS (Government ID): 176-889-006 35

Phone Numbers: +7-924-218-82-48 (Whatsapp), +7-914-121-38-56, +7-924-800-39-41, +7-914-577-96-58, +7-914-504-38-89


Social Media:, Instagram (deleted)

Awards: Order of Courage (ph.), Medal of Zhukov, Medal "For Military Valor" 2nd Class, Medal "For Distinction in Military Service" 1st Class, Medal "For Distinction in Military Service" 2nd Class, Medal "For Distinction in Military Service" 3rd Class, Medal "Participant of the March on June 12, 1999 Bosnia-Kosovo", Medal "For Participation in the Military Parade on Victory Day", other medals under investigation, Badge "Officer 1st Class", Badge "Instructor Parachutist", Badge "Graduation from a Higher Education Institution"

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