DPR Officer

Unit: Unknown unit, 1st Army Corps, DPR Militia

Cargo ID: #819

Call Sign: "Columbo" (Коломбо)

English Name: Oleg Adolfovich Kolomatsky

Russian Name: Коломацкий Олег Адольфович

Date of Birth: May 13, 1968 (age: 53 years)

Social Media: VK.com

Awards: Medal "For Military Valor", Medal "For Courage and Bravery", other medals under investigation

He comes from an old family of Azov Cossacks from Mariupol. Graduated from Lyceum No. 124 and Donetsk State University of Management. In 1986 he graduated from the 83rd Military Fire and Technical School of Junior Specialists in Kiev. In 1986-1988 he served his military service in the Soviet Army, military unit 68820 (city of Dannenwalde, GDR).

In 1988-2006 he worked in the divisions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the Donetsk region, the last place of work was the Proletarian District Department of Internal Affairs of the Donetsk City Administration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Volunteered into the army of Novorossiya.

He served in the 11th separate regiment of the DPR Armed Forces. Then the deputy commander of the company for educational work of the 2nd company in 2004 of the Armed Forces of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the DPR.

Died on March 22, 2022.


English Name: Galina Kolomatskaya (Scherbakova)

Russian Name: Галина Коломацкая (Щербакова)

Birthday: January 7

Profession: Cake Decorator

Social Media: VK.com


English Name: Anastasia Pronoza (Kolomatskaya)

Russian Name: Анастасия Проноза (Коломацкая)

Date of Birth: December 14, 1994

Social Media: VK.com, Instagram (deleted)


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