Battalion Commander - Lieutenant Colonel

Unit: Vladikavkaz Battalion, 19th Motor Rifle Division, 58th Combined Arms Army, Southern Military District

Died n the outskirts of the city of Vasilievka, in Zaporizhzhya region, when his command BMP was blown up.

Cargo ID: #8

Full Name: Ruslan Ramazanovich Gashiyatullin

Russian Name: Гашиятуллин Руслан Рамазанович

Date of Birth: March 28, 1981 (age 42 years)

Lived in: Safakulevo, Kurgan, Russia, "from Transbaikalia to Dagestan"

Place of Death: Vasylivka, Zaporizhzhya, Ukraine

Education: Chelyabinsk Higher Tank Command School

Awards: Order of Courage (ph.), Medal of Suvorov, Medal "For Military Valor" 2nd Class, Medal "For Distinction in Military Service" 2nd Class, Medal "For Distinction in Military Service" 3rd Class, Medal "Participant of the Military Operation in Syria", Under Investigation, Medal "For Participation in the Military Parade on Victory Day", Badge "Officer 1st Class", Badge "Graduation from a Higher Education Institution", Badge "Parachutist Excellence"

See description at the bottom of the page
At the place where our comrades-in-arms perished, a memorial sign has been erected that represents a unique symbol by the fighters' decision: an Orthodox cross with a Muslim crescent and a military shield with a Soviet star...
Here, in fierce battles against superior enemy forces for the town of Vasilyevka, Zaporozhye region of Russia, the soldiers of the heroic Vladikavkaz infantry died a heroic death:
Battalion commander Lt. Col. Ruslan Ramazanovich Gashiyatullin, Company Commander Captain Aslan Khasanovich Paunezhev, Company deputy chief of staff senior lieutenant Baldanov Tsyren Aleksandrovich, Company medic ensign Sadula Omarovich Abdurakhmanov, Mechanic-driver Fidar Nodarovich Burayev, Gunner German Enverovich Tedeev, Gunner-operator Oleg Sergeyevich Kovalchuk, Sergeant Soslan Taimurazovich Kalagov, Radiotelephonist and technician of the company Senior Warrant Officer Akimov Khidirnabi Miditkhanovich.
In these battles died Captain Andrey Maksimov, company commander, Senior mechanic Margiev Artur Feliksovich, senior mechanic Murat Ibrahimovich Orazaev, gunner-operator Anzor Vladimirovich Zhilyaev, machine gunner Dmitry Kamintsev.
The heaviest, irreplaceable losses... On the outskirts of the city of Vasilievka in Zaporizhzhya region, stands the carcass of the burnt-out commander's BMP-3, and next to it is a cross with a crescent, a shield and a star, as a symbol of unity of our people and frontline brotherhood...

На месте гибели наших боевых товарищей установлен памятный знак, представляющий собой уникальный символ по решению бойцов: православный крест с мусульманским полумесяцем и военный щит с советской звездой...
Здесь, в ожесточенных боях с превосходящими силами противника за город Васильевка Запорожской области России, героической смертью погибли бойцы героической Владикавказской пехоты:
Командир батальона подполковник Гашиятуллин Руслан Рамазанович, командир роты капитан Паунежев Аслан Хасанович, заместитель начальника штаба роты старший лейтенант Балданов Цырен Александрович, санитар роты прапорщик Абдурахманов Садула Омарович, механик-водитель Бураев Фидар Нодарович, пулеметчик Тедеев Герман Энверович, пулеметчик-оператор Ковальчук Олег Сергеевич, сержант Калагов Сослан Таймуразович, радиотелефонист и техник роты старший прапорщик Акимов Хидирнаби Мидитханович.
В этих боях погибли командир роты капитан Максимов Андрей Иванович, старший механик Маргиев Артур Феликсович, старший механик Оразаев Мурат Ибрагимович, наводчик-оператор Жиляев Анзор Владимирович, пулеметчик Каминцев Дмитрий Иванович.
Самые тяжелые, невосполнимые потери... На окраине города Васильевка Запорожской области, стоит туша сгоревшей командирской БМП-3, а рядом крест с полумесяцем, щитом и звездой, как символ единства нашего народа и фронтового братства....
A graduate of a tank school, a GRU special forces officer, a veteran of combat operations in the North Caucasus and Syria, he was a true military professional; the last years of his life connected him with Alanya, which he loved with all his heart.
Ruslan was 40 years old. Four sons were left without a father.
