Unit: Unknown.

Cargo ID: #774

English Name: Maxim Vladimirovich Krasnokutsky

Russian Name: Краснокутского Максима Владимировича

Date of Birth: July 4, 1986 (age: 35 years)

Education: Far Eastern Higher Combined Arms Command School (graduated 2008)

After graduating from college, he was assigned to Chechnya, where he served in the village of Borzoy near Grozny.

Awards: Order of Courage (ph.), Order of Courage, Medal "For Courage"

The military officer is survived by his wife Elena and two children - 9-year-old son Danil and 4-year-old daughter Victoria. They live in the Krasnodar Territory, but on the day of the solemn line, Elena sent this message to the director of school No. 8, Alexander Gaidukov:
"In 2014, Maxim participated in the first Ukrainian war. I stayed there for three months. Then, in one of the battles, a shell flew into the tank, Maxim managed to escape, but when he was leaving a hot place, a bullet flew into his helmet, which saved his life. This helmet is still kept as a memory of an unpleasant and difficult time."

Social Media: OK.ru (empty)

Parents - Irina Vladimirovna and Konstantin Vasilyevich