Battalion Commander - Lieutenant Colonel

Unit: Rocket Artillery Battalion, 5th Separate Guards Tank Brigade, 36th Combined Arms Army, Eastern Military District

The commander of the rocket artillery battalion, Lieutenant Colonel Dmitry Dormidontov, died in Ukraine on March 20. During the fighting, a shell hit exactly in the dugout. It contained 3 officers: a division commander, a battalion commander [Dmitry], and an aircraft [drone] controller. Dmitry is survived by his wife and two children, a son and a 2-month-old daughter. He didn't even have time to meet his daughter.
To date we have been unable to identify the division commander that was reported to have been with Dmitry at the time of the strike.

Cargo ID: #76

Full Name: Dmitry Pavlovich Dormidontov

Russian Name: Дормидонтов Дмитрий Павлович

Date of Birth: July 26, 1987 (age: 35 years)

Place of Birth: Kolbagysh village (Old Karabayan) Tyulyachinsky district, Tatarstan, Russia

Education: Kazan Suvorov School, Kazan Higher Artillery Command School

Awards: Order of Courage, Medal of the Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" 2nd Class, Medal "For Distinction in Military Service" 2nd Class, Medal "For Distinction in Military Service" 3rd Class, Medal "Participant of the Military Operation in Syria", Medal "Participant of the Military Maneuvers - Vostok 2018", Medal "For Participation in the Military Parade on Victory Day", two unknown medals, Badge "Officer 1st Class", Badge "Graduation from a Higher Education Institution", Badge "Guard", one unknown badge

Phone Number: +7-924-756-30-98

Social Media: (private)

"At first, he just went to strategic exercises. It was according to plan. After graduation, they were supposed to go home, but they were sent to Ukraine. Even during the exercises, there was no daily communication. And from Ukraine, he was able to call his wife only twice. We corresponded several times. On the morning of March 20, Dima talked to his wife and cousin. The last time he was online was at 3 o'clock. On the same day, my brother was killed."

-Nina Dormidontova (sister)

We met Dima in 2012 in Kazan, and in 2015 we got married. After the wedding, we moved to Ulan-Ude, my husband got there according to the distribution. After another 2 years - in 2017 - our son Pavel was born. He is now 4.5 years old. And on February 14 of this year, my daughter was born with Dima, her name is Ulyana. But he was at the exercises, and then he ended up in Ukraine ... He didn't even have time to see our daughter. Only in photos.

-Olga Dormidontova (wife)

On the eve of Heroes of the Fatherland Day, Lyceum 121 in Kazan honored the memory of special operation participant Dmitry Dormidontov. A memorial plaque appeared in the educational institution in memory of the hero.
Dmitry is the commander of a rocket artillery battalion, but for Olga Dormidontova he is, first of all, a loving husband and father, who did not like to talk about his service at home.
“He is a simple and inconspicuous guy, but he had a very strong character. He had fortitude, as well as perseverance, assertiveness, courage and bravery,” the widow shared.
Dmitry studied at Lyceum 121 for only 5 years, after which he entered the Suvorov School. Despite this, the lyceum teachers keep the memory of the graduate to this day.
