Alexander Gorev

Head of Intelligence

Unit: 5th Separate Guards Tank Brigade, Eastern Military District

Cargo ID: #732

English Name: Alexander Vladimirovich Gorev

Russian Name: Горев Александр Владимирович

Date of Birth: April 28, 1987 (age: 35 years)

Place of Birth: Gorki village, Varnavinsky district, Gorky region, Russia

Lived in: Nizhny Novgorod, Nizhny Novgorod Oblast, Volga Federal District, Russia

Passport Information: 22 06 968716, issued by the Territorial Point of the Federal Migration Service of Russia in the Nizhny Novgorod Region in the Varnavinsky District

Personnel Number: 846751

Awarded: Order of Courage (ph.)


English Name: Marina Goreva (Smirnova)

Russian Name: Марина Горева (Смирнова)

Date of Birth: July 23,1987

Living in: Nizhny Novgorod

Social Media:

Older Daughter:

English Name: Varvara Goreva

Russian Name: Варвара Горева

Date of Birth: February 4, 2007

Living in: Nizhny Novgorod

Social Media:

Younger Daughter:

English Name: Polina Goreva

Russian Name: Полина Горева

Date of Birth: February 4, 2009

Living in: Nizhny Novgorod

Social Media:

AI Upscaled portrait from when Alexander made Lieutenant
"Grand" opening of a memorial plaque took place in the village of Gorki (Molodezhnaya St., 11)
"A rally was held in the village of Gorki dedicated to the opening of a memorial plaque at the house of the parents of Alexander Vladimirovich Gorev, who died during a special military operation in Ukraine and was posthumously awarded the Order of Courage."
"The youth army detachment "Rusich" of the Gorkinskaya school is named after Alexander Gorev."
Polina and Varvara Goreva