Battalion Commander - Lieutenant Colonel

Unit: 2nd Air Assault Battalion, 247th Guards Air Assault Regiment, 7th Guards Mountain Airborne Assault Division, Southern Military District

In 2014, Lisitsky commanded the Battalion Tactical Group of the 247th regiment, when it attacked Ukrainian units that were exiting an encirclement. The movement was being conducted during a mutual ceasefire, in an agreed upon corridor, in Ilovaisk in the area of ​​the village of Horbatenka. Ukrainian and Russian commanders had agreed that control of the area would be ceded to the Russians peacefully, under the condition that the Ukrainian forces be allowed to withdraw unharmed. Once all the Ukrainian troops were in the open, Lisitsky gave the command to break the ceasefire and shell the column. As a result, 366 Ukrainian soldiers were killed, about 450 were wounded, 300 were captured, and Lisitsky was awarded the Hero of Russia medal.

Cargo ID: #701

English Name: Dmitry Mikhailovich Lisitsky

Russian Name: Лисицкий Дмитрий Михайлович

Date of Birth: November 27, 1974 (age: 48 years)

Place of Birth: Village of Burlatskoye, Blagodarnensky District, Stavropol Territory

Education: Stavropol State Agricultural Academy (graduated with honors in 1998); Stavropol branch of the Belgorod University of Consumer Cooperatives (graduated in 2004 with a degree in economics and management)

Previous Deployments: Abkhazia (1993); Dagestan (1999); Chechnya (1999-2000); Yugoslavia (2000-2001); Chechnya (2001-2004); Abkhazia (2008); Ukraine (2015)

Lieutenant Colonel Dmitry Lisitsky committed suicide on the day that Major General Arkady Marzoev was promoted to Lieutenant General and received the award "Order of Alexander Nevsky". Marzoev is the butcher that sacrificed thousands of Russian soldiers in senseless "meat assaults" and ludicrous attacks that resulted in huge casualties. One such attack resulted in the death of Colonel Konstantin Zizesky [Cargo ID #27] who died in an early attempt on Kherson.

Lisitsky and the 247th also did not escape the lunacy of Marzoev. They were surrounded near Mykolaiv, and nearly destroyed to a man. Lisitsky himself was seriously injured in both legs while escaping the encirclement. Lisitsky, we believe, could not cope with the loss of so many professional soldiers from the 247th and took his own life upon hearing Marzoev was promoted for such acts.

As his death was a direct result of his time in Ukraine, he is being given a full Cargo Card. It doesn't matter to us whether the bullet that killed him came from a Ukrainian rifle or his own.


Hero of the Russian Federation,
Medal of the Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" 1st Class,
Medal of the Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" 2nd Class,
Medal of Suvorov,
Medal "For Distinction in Combat",
Medal "For Distinction in Military Service" 1st Class,
Medal "For Distinction in Military Service" 2nd Class,
Medal "For Distinction in Military Service" 3rd Class,
Medal "Participant of the Military Operation in Syria",
Badge "Officer 1st Class",
Badge "Parachutist Instructor",
Badge "Graduation from a Higher Education Institution",
Badge "Guard"

By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated January 22, 2015, for heroism, courage, and courage shown in the performance of military duty, Captain Lisitsky Dmitry Mikhailovich was awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation with the Gold Star medal. The award was presented in the Kremlin on February 20, 2015.

The Suvorov Medal for bravery and bravery during the performance of a combat mission in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

During one of the battles in the North Caucasus, the cover group, which included foreman D. M. Lissitzky, participated in ensuring the withdrawal of civilians from the combat zone. By decisive actions, Lissitzky was able to ensure the withdrawal of his comrades from under the shelling of militants, for which he was awarded the medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, 2nd degree.

On June 22, 2017, D. M. Lissitzky was awarded the title of Honorary Citizen of the Blagodarnensky District.

"March 27, 2023, the Russian Telegram channel owned by Ksenia Sobchak reported that Lisitzky was not liquidated in Ukraine, but committed suicide with his own hunting rifle. Indeed, the incident took place yesterday, on March 26, but not in Ukraine, but in Stavropol, the Bloody Lady informs the public. Lisitzky committed suicide in his own apartment. His colleagues claim that lately the lieutenant colonel has been too depressed, often talking about suicide. The main reason is the complaints of Russian soldiers about his "illegal actions" against them. According to the source, his death in Stavropol was confirmed by the head of the urban district, Alexander Tenkov."

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