Ka-52 Pilot and Chief of Flight Safety - Major
Unit: 15th Army Aviation Brigade, 6th Air and Air Defense Army, Western Military District
During the "Northern Military District" he was the commander of the Ka-52 helicopter and flew more than 600 combat missions.
Cargo ID: #636
Call Sign: "Siphon" (Сифон)
Full Name: Mikhail Vladimirovich Abramenko
Russian Name: Абраменко Михаил Владимирович
Education: Syzran Higher Military Aviation School for Pilots (Graduated 2001)
Date of Birth: August 31, 1978 (age: 44 years)
Place of Birth: Derbent, Republic of Dagestan, Russia
Place of Death: Vicinity of Krivsharivka, Kupiansk District, Kharkiv Oblast, Ukraine
Awards: Hero of Russia (ph.), "Nesterov" medal, medals "For military valor", “For Distinction in Military Service”, medal "Order of Merit for the Fatherland, 2nd degree with swords", Orders of Courage x 3 x1(ph.)
Military Ranks; Lieutenant (2001), Senior Lieutenant (2002), Captain (2004), Major (2014)
After graduating from the institute in October 2001, he was assigned to the 696th Research and Instruction Helicopter Regiment of the 344th Combat Employment and Retraining Center for Army Aviation Flight Personnel in the city of Torzhok, Tver Region. After two months of service as a command post officer, he was transferred to the 92nd Special Purpose Research and Instruction Helicopter Squadron of the 344th Center (Dobrynskoye garrison in the village of Sokol, Suzdal District, Vladimir Region), where he served as an instructor pilot
(researcher), and since 2004, as a flight navigator helicopter flight on the Mi-8 for special purposes.
In 2004-2007, as part of the counter-terrorism operation, he took part in hostilities on the territory of the Chechen Republic, and was awarded the Nesterov Medal for courage and dedication. With the relocation of the squadron in 2007 to the city of Klin, Moscow region (Klin-5 airfield), he was appointed senior instructor pilot (researcher) of the helicopter flight on the Mi-8 special purpose. In 2009-2010, he took part in the United Nations peacekeeping mission in Chad and the Central African Republic.
At the end of 2011, he completed theoretical retraining for the Ka-52 reconnaissance and attack helicopter. In 2012-2014, he was a senior instructor pilot (researcher) of the helicopter flight on the Ka-52 of the research and instruction squadron of the TsBPP flight personnel of the 4th State Center for Aviation Personnel Training and Military Testing.
Since January 2014, he served in the 15th Army Aviation Brigade of the 1st Air Force and Air Defense Command (deployment point - Veretye airfield in the city of Ostrov, Pskov Region). From 2014 to 2016, he was commander of a helicopter flight of a helicopter squadron on the Ka-52. Since October 2016, he has been the head of the flight safety service of the 15th Army Aviation Brigade of the 6th Air Force and Air Defense Army.
In 2016 and 2018, he took
part in hostilities in Syria, where Russia has been conducting a military operation against international terrorist groups since 2015. Awarded the Order of Courage.
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Mikhail's last moments
