Battalion Chief of Staff - Major
Unit: 674th Guards Separate Signals Battalion, 98th Guards Airborne Division, Western Military District
Thanks to perseverance and high professionalism, he rose from the commander of a platoon of command and staff vehicles to the chief of staff of a Battalion.
Cargo ID: #615
Full Name: Oleg Olegovich Gorbenko
Russian Name: Горбенко Олег Олегович
Date of Birth: September 25 1987 (age: 35 years)
Education: Ryazan Higher Military Command School of Communications (Graduated 2010)
During his service he was awarded the Distinguished Service Badge. In 2014 - the medal "Suvorov", the medal "For Distinction in Military Service" III degree, the medal "For Courage". In 2019, he participated in a peacekeeping mission in the territory of the Syrian Arab Republic. He was awarded the medal "Marshal of the Signal Corps Peresypkin", the medal "Participant in the peacekeeping mission on the territory of the Syrian Arab Republic", the medal "Participant in the military operation in Syria", as well as the medal "For Military Merit".
By the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation for the courage and bravery shown in the performance of special tasks, Guards Major Oleg Olegovich Gorbenko was awarded State awards: the medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree with swords and the Order of Courage (posthumously).
Previously Deployed: Syria

Also, the hero paid great attention to preserving the military-historical memory of the division: Oleg is the co-author of a book about the combat path of his 674th Guards Separate Signal Battalion, published in honor of the 65th anniversary.
