Andrey Elizarov

Brigade Commander - Colonel

Unit: 78th Anti-Aircraft Missile Brigade, 8th Guards Combined Arms Army, Southern Military District

Cargo ID: #608

Full Name: Andrey Vitalievich Elizarov

Russian Name: Елизаров Андрей Витальевич

Date of Birth: December 19, 1977 (age: 44 years)

Place of Birth: Kryvyi Rih, Dnipropetrovsk Oblast, Ukraine

Lived In: Rostov-on-Don

Place of Death: Rubizhne, Luhansk Oblast, Ukraine

Awarded: Order of Courage (ph.), Medal of Suvorov, Medal "For Distinction in Combat", Medal "For Military Valor" 1st Class, Medal "For Military Valor" 2nd Class, Medal "For Distinction in Military Service" 1st Class, Medal "For Distinction in Military Service" 2nd Class, Medal "For Distinction in Military Service" 3rd Class, Medal "For the Return of Crimea", Medal "For Distinction During an Exercise", Unknown School Badge, Badge "Graduation from a Higher Education Institution"

Education: Ulyanovsk Guards Suvorov Military School (graduated 1998), Smolensk Air Defense Academy (graduated 2003)

Prior Service: Elizarov served in the 108th regiment of the 7th Guards Airborne Assault Division in Novorossiysk, where he commanded a platoon and then a company. In addition, he was a group commander in the 10th separate special forces brigade in Molkino.

His comrades-in-arms spoke of him as a top-class, experienced commander who cared about his subordinates. During the time his brigade was in the combat zone, it did not lose a single soldier or officer. First of all it is a merit of Andrey Elizarov. He saved his men, but, unfortunately, he did not save himself... He was buried in Rostov-on-Don at the Northern Cemetery in the Muzhestva sector.
For the courage and self-confidence during the execution of the military duty, the Order of the Courage is mortally awarded by Donchanin, the colonel of Andrey Elizarov. The commander of the 78th anti-aircraft brigade of the 8th Military Army died on October 18, 2022, during the introduction of a special military operation.

The family was awarded the prize in the hands of Alexander Elizarov and the daughters of Anastasia and Alevtina. He spent his whole life preparing himself for the military service. He became a seamstress[?], graduated from the military school, the academy.

He served in many places in our homeland and outside of it. He was a real man, a real patriot.

Unfortunately, the military service has such properties that sometimes for the sake of the protection of your homeland, for the sake of the execution of the military duty, you need to sacrifice your life. Andrey Elizarov went to the military service in the SVO and the aviation forces of the South Military District. He performed combat tasks in the group of the Russian Armed Forces of Russia and the Syrian Arab Republic. He was engaged in preparing personnel for the execution of combat tasks. Andrey Elizarov's brigade did not lose a single soldier or officer.
This is the most likely image of Andrey that we've come across, though we cannot 100% confirm that it is him at this time (as of mid-2022). We have since confirmed this is him (see below).
In January 2024 we came across a much more recent image of Andrey, which confirms the image we had is in fact him, and that our hypothesis outlined below is correct.

This image was posted on this VK page that announced his posthumous award, and many are speculating that the man on the left is Elizarov. The VK post lists the photo source as this page. The page features two separate stories, the first about Elizarov being award the order of courage posthumously, and the second about supplies being given to fighters in the LPR. They sourced the image from this original article published January 20, 2023. The photo is credited to the "Administration of Volgodonsk" and the very first line of the article states "The essentials for military service in the winter were taken to the mobilized residents of Volgodonsk". The authors of the VK post appear to have just taken the first image they found in an article that mentions Elizarov. It seems relatively certain that he is not shown here.


English Name: Natalya Elizarova-Nikulina

Russian Name: Наталья Елизарова-Никулина

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