Yuri Pazov

Unit Commander - Major

Unit: Emergency Rescue Unit "Legion", Ministry of Internal Affairs, DPR Militia

Cargo ID: #60

Call Sign: "Southern" (Южный)

Full Name: Yuri Borisovich Pazov

Russian Name: Пазов Юрий Борисович

Date of Birth: November 4, 1979 (age: 42 years)

Place of Birth: Psebay, Krasnodar Territory, Russia

Address: Donetsk, 41 Vatutina Ave, apt. 10; Moscow Oblast, Podolsk, v. 7, sq. 193; Shatura, 12/7 Shkolnaya St., sq. 4

Phone Number: 073-163-20-17

In the period from 24.08.2014 to 28.08.2014 in the area of "Saur-Mogila" Captain Y.B. Pazov took part in combat operations, as part of the "First Slavic Brigade" commander of the "Afghan" unit. In the period from 28.08.2014 to 16.09.2014, in the area of Donetsk airport, Captain Y.B. Pazov took part in combat operations, as part of the "First Slavic Brigade" commander of the "Odessa" unit. Since 20.01.2015, in the area of Avdeevka and Yasinovatoe, Captain Y.B. Pazov took part in combat operations as part of the "Vostok" unit and commander of the "Minsk" unit.