Wagner Propagandist.

Unit: Grey Zone Telegram Channel Admin, Wagner PMC.

Cargo ID: #362

Call Sign: "White" (Белый)

Full Name: Unknown.

Russian Name: Имя неизвестно

"Unfortunately, the information was confirmed. Owner of the Grey Zone channel, known as 500, call sign White, got hit by HIMARS in Popasnaya. It's hard for us to talk about it, but after a day of fighting for life, our dear friend and brother left for Odin's army… TO BE A WARRIOR IS TO LIVE FOREVER! TIL VALHALL!"
"Today at 8:10: Recruitment for the position of community moderator is open. To fight with Saloreich in our music school. Leave your applications here - https://vk.com/topic-196348570_49283894"
This is the Wagner post at the link above. Translation to English below. They've certainly got high standards! 

Good afternoon, gentlemen and ladies.

Due to the growth of the community and the appearance of more and more undesirable persons writing stupid comments, we are forced to open a set of moderators.

The duties are very simple:

  1. Clean up the comments on a daily basis
  2. Clean up discussions daily
  3. block saloreich.

Leave a response in the format:

Your age:
True Full Name:
Literacy: 0 to 10
Adequacy: 0 to 10

And most importantly the desire!

We are waiting in our team🤙

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