Spetsnaz Commander - Colonel
Unit: 16th Spetsnaz Brigade, 8th Directorate, GRU/GU
Cargo ID: #297
Full Name: Evgeny Mikhailovich Gerasimenko
Russian Name: Герасименко Евгением Михайловичем
Place of Birth: Isilkul, Omsk region, Russia
Order of Courage,
Medal "For Courage" (x2),
Medal of Suvorov,
Medal of Zhukov,
Medal "For Distinction in Military Service" 2nd Class,
Medal "For Distinction in Military Service" 3rd Class,
Medal "For Active Work on Patriotic Education",
Medal "For Courage and Bravery",
Badge "Officer 1st Class",
Badge "Graduation from a Higher Education Institution"
