Battalion Commander - Lieutenant Colonel

Unit: 247th Guards Air Assault Regiment, 7th Guards Mountain Airborne Assault Division, Southern Military District

Died on September 22, 2023, while evacuating wounded soldiers of his battalion on Buryakovsky Island in the Kherson area. His younger brother, Senior Lieutenant Ivan Vadimovich Yurkevsky (see below), died almost exactly one year earlier, on September 17, 2022, in the village of Maksimovka of the Nikolaev region of Ukraine.

Cargo ID: #1040

English Name: Alexander Vadimovich Yurkevsky

Russian Name: Юркевский Александр Вадимович

Date of Birth: October 12, 1985 (age: 37 years)

Lived in: Rostov-on-Don, Rostov Oblast, Russia

Place of Death: Buryakovsky Island, Kherson Oblast, Ukraine

Education: Stavropol Higher Military Aviation School of Pilots and Navigators (graduated 2008)

Social Media:

Order of Courage
Medal of the Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" 2nd Class
Medal "For Distinction in Combat"
Medal "For Military Valor" 2nd Class
Medal "For Distinction in Military Service" 1st Class
Medal "For Distinction in Military Service" 2nd Class
Medal "For Distinction in Military Service" 3rd Class
Medal "Participant in a Special Military Operation"
Medal "For Participation in the Military Parade on Victory Day"
Badge "Officer 2nd Class"
Badge "Defender of the Fatherland"
Badge "Graduation from a Higher Education Institution"


English Name: Ivan Vadimovich Yurkevsky

Russian Name: Юркевский Иван Вадимович

Date of Birth: February 25, 1991

Date of Death: September 17, 2022

Place of Death: Maksimovka, Nikolaev Oblast, Ukraine

Profession: Senior Lieutenant of an Unknown Unit

Social Media:

Wife and Kids:


English Name: Irina Yurkevskaya (Akhmedova)

Russian Name: Ирина Юркевская (Ахмедова)

Date of Birth: July 12, 1965

Living in: Stavropol, Stavropol Krai, Russia

Social Media:


English Name: Vadim Yurkevsky

Russian Name: Вадим Юркевский

Date of Birth: April 8, 1963

Living in: Stavropol, Stavropol Krai, Russia

Social Media:
