BARS Officer

Unit: BARS-4, Southern Military District

Cargo ID: #923

Call Sign: "Nettle" (Крапива)

English Name: Evgeny Sergeevich Sergienko

Russian Name: Сергиенко Евгений Сергеевич

Date of Birth: January 21, 1980 (age: 42 years)

Lives In: Sochi, Krasnodar Krai, Russia

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Wife or Sister:

English Name: Anna Sergienko

Russian Name: Анна Сергиенко

Date of Birth: May 3

Education: Samara State Medical University

Social Media:

Andrey Bikmurzin
BARS Officer Unit: BARS-4 Cargo ID: #706 English Name: Andrey Viktorovich Bikmurzin Russian Name: Бикмурзин Андрей Викторович Date of Birth: September 27, 1971 (age: 50 years)

Andrey is the other senior officer listed on this plaque. He was killed the week before Evegeny, on April 30th 2022.