
Unit: Don Cossack Battalion

Archpriest-rector of the Church of the Ascension of the Lord in the village of Krasnomylskoye, Shadrinsk district, Kurgan region

Cargo ID: #461

English Name: Evfimy Kozlovtsev (Evgeniy)

Russian Name: Евфимий Козловцев (Евгений)

Date of Birth: April 14, 1969 (age: 53 years)

Place of Birth: Kuvandyk, Orenburg Region, Russia

Place of Death: Unknown Base Strike (HIMARS)

Awards: Order of Courage (ph.), Medals “For Special Merit”, “For Diligence in Service”, “440 Years of the Orenburg Cossack Army”, Certificate of honor from the Ataman of the Orenburg Cossack Army

born on April 14, 1969 in the city of Kuvandyk, Orenburg Region, into a large family. After graduating from high school, he qualified as an electrician at Vocational Lyceum No. 42, then served in the border troops in the Baltic states for two years. In 1990, Evgeniy got married and lived in Moscow with his wife Natalya; the family was successfully engaged in business
In 1998, he was ordained as a priest and appointed rector of the parish of the All-Merciful Savior in Kataysk.
Father Evfimy left a wife and five children at home, the Union of Cossack Warriors of Russia and Abroad reported.

“Father reassured us, assured us that he would not participate in hostilities, that he was going to support the spirit of the soldiers, and would return soon,” says Maxim. “I don’t know all the details of his death. The Cossacks said: in the morning before being sent on a mission, he blessed them and served a prayer service so that everyone would remain alive. In the evening, the soldiers were supposed to return, but it didn’t work out: the enemy blew up the crossing, and the Cossacks spent the night on the other side of the river. And at five in the morning an American HIMARS rocket arrived at the camp where their father was waiting. It turns out that the priest took the blow upon himself, sacrificing himself for the sake of our soldiers.
A memorial plaque was unveiled on the temple that he initiated to build.
In the Katai district they honored the memory of Archpriest Evfimy Kozlovtsev. He died a year ago in the Northern Military District during a rocket attack on a military unit. This was reported on the district administration’s page on social networks.
“He fulfilled his spiritual duty with honor,” noted the head of the Katai municipal district, Gleb Morozov.
