Spetsnaz Officer (likely CoS or DC) - Colonel

Unit: 3rd Separate Guards Spetsnaz Brigade, 8th Directorate, GRU/GU

Timur was wounded in the Crocus City Hall terrorist attack on March 23rd, 2024. He had been fighting on the front lines of Ukraine since the start of the war, and was on leave at home for a few days before returning to the front. He took his family to the concert venue, and was the only member of his family to be shot. He suffered two shots to the stomach and one to the face. He was brought to a Moscow hospital where he died 3 days later.

Cargo ID: #1212

English Name: Timur Mikhailovich Myasnikov

Russian Name: Мясников Тимур Михайлович

Age: 46 years old

Place of Death: State Budgetary Healthcare Institution of Moscow, City Clinical Hospital No. 67

Education: Kazan Suvorov Military School (graduated 1994)

Previous Deployments: Tajikistan, Kosovo, Chechnya, Syria, Ukraine (2014)

The image below is currently being spread as a photo of Timur Myasnikov, it is not him. The photo is of Colonel Timur Maratovich Syrtlanov. Anyone claiming this is Colonel Timur Mikhailovich Myasnikov has not done even basic fact checking.

Изображение ниже в настоящее время распространяется как фотография Тимура Мясникова, это не он. На фото полковник Тимур Маратович Сыртланов. Тот, кто утверждает, что это полковник Тимур Михайлович Мясников, не провел даже элементарной проверки фактов.
