Pilot-Detachment Commander - Major

Unit: Il-76, 117th Separate Military Transport Aviation Regiment, Military Transport Aviation Command

Cargo ID: #1187

English Name: Mahmud Fuatovich Gabdrakipov

Russian Name: Габдракипов Махмуд Фуатович

Date of Birth: December 18, 1990 (age: 33 years)

Place of Birth: village of Tatarskaya Kargala, Sakmarsky district, Orenburg Region, Russia

Place of Death: Near Ivanovo Severny Air Base, Ivanovo Oblast, Russia (Engine Fire on RF-76551)

Major Gabdrakipov and his fellows were passengers on board the aircraft, not the flight crew.

Education: Military Training and Research Center of the Air Force (Krasnodar, Graduated 2013)

Awards: Medal "Nesterov", Medal "For Military Valor" 1st degree, Medal "For Distinction in Military Service" 2nd and 3rd degrees, Medal "Participant in the Military Operation in Syria", Medal "For the Return of Crimea", Medal "For Distinction in Exercises"

Previously Deployed: Syria, Ukraine 2014 (Invasion of Crimea)

Makhmud Gabrakipov is an aviation major, a military veteran, and has many awards. In 2016, he heroically landed an An-12 with two failed engines. For his feat he received several awards, including the Nesterov Medal for personal courage and bravery. Since February, he and his crew have been delivering ammunition to the Northern Military District zone.
  • Major Makhmud Gabrdrakipov
  • Lieutenant Dmitry Blinov
  • Senior Lieutenant Zamir Usmanov
  • Senior Lieutenant Azat Sagidullin
  • senior sergeant Evgeniy Ivanchenko

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