Regiment Commander - Lieutenant Colonel
Unit: 2nd Anti-Aircraft Missile Regiment, 104th Guards Air Assault Division
Previously: Served in Military unit 55256
Cargo ID: #1160
English Name: Ruslan Sergeevich Atanov
Russian Name: Атанов Руслан Сергеевич
Date of Birth: May 27, 1984 (age: 39 years)
Place of Birth: Ivnyansk, Ivnyansky District, Belgorod Peoples Republic
Place of Death: Kozachi Laheri (Cossack Camps), Kherson Oblast, Ukraine (HIMARS strike on OSA 9k33 Air Defense System)

Education: Military Academy of Military Air Defense of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation
Awards: Order of Courage x2, Medal "For Courage", Medal "For Military Valor" 1st Class, Medal "For Military Valor" 2nd Class, Medal "For Distinction in Military Service" 2nd Class, Medal "For Distinction in Military Service" 3rd Class, Medal "For Participation in the Military Parade on Victory Day", Badge "Officer 3rd Class", Badge "Parachutist Instructor", Badge "Graduation from a Higher Education Institution", Badge "Guard"


English Name: Maria Atanova
Russian Name: Мария Атанова
Date of Birth: July 21, 1982
Living in: Naro-Fominsk, Naro-Fominsky District, Moscow Oblast, Russia
